Western Balkans Six

Investment Incentives Platform

The Western Balkans Six Investment Incentive Platform is the first of its kind in the region, providing detailed information on available incentives in each of the WB6. It is one of the key measures under the Regional Investment Area, which is part of the Common Regional Market Action Plan 2021-2024.

Developed with input from Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) across the region, the platform includes both financial and non-financial incentives, categorized by type, sector, and target audience.

It provides comprehensive information for investors looking to invest in the WB6. As an evolving resource, the platform will be updated every six months to ensure it remains current and relevant.

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Simplified tax regime for micro legal entities

Export Incentive

Economy name
North Macedonia
Incentive name
Simplified tax regime for micro legal entities
Brief description
A simplified tax regime is available to resident small and micro legal entities if:

The entity carries out economic activities, excluding banking, financial activities, insurance activities, games of chance, or entertainment games, and
The entity’s total annual income exceeds MKD 3m but does not exceed MKD 6m.

Legal reference name
Law On Profit Tax Official Gazette of SerbiaM, No. 112/14, 129/15, 23/16, 190/16, 248/18, And Rsm Official Gazette, No. 232/19, 275/19, 290/20, 151/21 And 199/23 Of 09/25/2023
Legal reference
law section / article
Article 33 and 34
Under the simplified regime, qualifying taxpayers are subject to tax at the rate of 1% of total annual revenue. Qualifying resident small and micro legal entities whose total annual income does not exceed MKD 3m are not subject to tax.

Incentive group
Incentive category
Other Tax
Sector (Simplified)
All sectors
Sector (NACE)
Size of firm that can use incentive
All sizes of firms
Level at which incentive is available
Ownership of firm that can use incentive
Incentive location
Main objective of the incentive
Increase competitiveness
In case of grant, share of grant in investment (in %)

Contact Info
Administration for Public Revenues / General Directorate Skopje
Kuzman Josifovski-Pitu Blvd. 1, 1000 Skopje
tel. 02/3299 500; fax 02/3281 010
Info center 0800 33 000 and 02/3253 200
e-mail: info@ujp.gov.mk
Weblink to Incentive information in English
Weblink to Incentive information in local language

Eligibility criteria
Trading companies from Article 31 paragraph (1) of this law can decide to calculate and pay annual tax on total income under the condition:
1. to carry out economic activity, except banking, financial, insurance and activity in the field of games of chance and entertainment games and
2. the total income realized in the year for which the tax is determined from any source should amount from MKD 3,000,001 to MKD 6,000,000 per year.
Eligibility criteria

Awarding Authority (Name)
Public Revenue Office
Application procedure + Weblink (where available)
Implementing Authority (Name)
Public Revenue Office