Western Balkans Six

Investment Incentives Platform

The Western Balkans Six Investment Incentive Platform is the first of its kind in the region, providing detailed information on available incentives in each of the WB6. It is one of the key measures under the Regional Investment Area, which is part of the Common Regional Market Action Plan 2021-2024.

Developed with input from Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) across the region, the platform includes both financial and non-financial incentives, categorized by type, sector, and target audience.

It provides comprehensive information for investors looking to invest in the WB6. As an evolving resource, the platform will be updated every six months to ensure it remains current and relevant.

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Measure investments in physical assets concerning processing

Export Incentive

Economy name
North Macedonia
Incentive name
Measure investments in physical assets concerning processing
Brief description
 With up to 70% (up to 1.5 M EUR) grant, this measure will support the development of human and physical assets, increase ability
of the agri-food sector to cope with competitive pressure and market forces as well as help
the sector to progressively align with the EU standards, addressing the challenge of climate change, by promoting
resource efficiency and renewable energy, reinforcing the farmers’ position in
the food chain, by encouraging them to cooperate in short supply chains and produce
higher added value products.

Legal reference name
IPARD Programme 2021-2027

 Article 29(1) of the IPARD Sectoral Agreement
 Annex 4, of the IPARD Sectoral Agreement
Legal reference
law section / article
(a) Tangible investments
 Purchase of building materials and elements for construction or reconstruction of
buildings and facilities
 Purchase of new machinery and equipment.
(b) Non-tangible investments (linked to expenditures under point a)
 Achieving compliance with internationally recognized standards78 such as:
- Introduction of management systems in the enterprises (for example - ISO
9000:2005; ISO 9001:2000; ISO 14001:2004 (EMAS); ISO 900; ISO/TR
10013:2001; ISO 19011:2002; ISO 27001; including IT-based systems, etc.);
- Preparation for certification under the НАССР (Hazard Analysis and Critical
Control Point) or other 79;
- Implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) in enterprises.
 Acquisition of patent rights and licenses
 Computer software including software license

 Transportation and installation of the equipment (excluding repairmen)
 Construction/reconstruction services (including technical supervision)
In addition, expenditures linked to the collective investments could be extended to additionally
 Studies on the specification for the hygiene standards and the method of production of
quality products;
 Product development and marketing study for new products or similar studies for other
 Animation costs of not more than 10% for creating and running short value chain of a
certain product delivered to a local supermarket.
(c) General costs (linked to expenditures under point (a) and (b)
 Preparation of the technical documentation, construction plans and supporting studies
 Preparation of the business plan: cost calculations, analyses, market analyses,
marketing analyses
 Preparation of environmental assessment
 Project management
(d) Cost for specific information and publicity activities at project level
which are of the responsibility of the final recipients
 Billboards
 Plaques
 Stickers, etc.
The eligible expenditures shall be specified and detailed in the List of eligible Expenditures as
accepted by the European Commission after the Decision for adoption of the Programme is

Incentive group
Incentive category
Sector (Simplified)
Sector (NACE)
Size of firm that can use incentive
SME (10-249)
Level at which incentive is available
Ownership of firm that can use incentive
Incentive location
Specific region
Main objective of the incentive
Increase competitiveness
In case of grant, share of grant in investment (in %)

Contact Info
Agency for Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development, 3rd of North Macedonia Brigade Blvd, Skopje 1000

+ 389 (0) 2 3097 450
+ 389 (0) 2 3097 454

Weblink to Incentive information in English
Weblink to Incentive information in local language

Eligibility criteria
Pages 180-184

6.1. Types of enterprises and producer organisations supported
I. Legal entities must be registered in the Central registry prior applying for support and in the
FVA as food operators or for recording the change caused by the concerned investment
according to the Law on food safety at the end of the investment.
II. Cooperative which is registered as such in the Central registry primarily dealing with
agricultural activities, processing of agricultural products and/or services connected directly
with agricultural activities also has to be registered in the FVA as food operator according to
the Law on food safety at the end of the investment.
III. Associative legal entities have to be recognized as such according to the law and its
production capacity will be calculated as a sum of the production capacities of its
members/founders. The minimum number of agriculture producers founding or engaging in an
associative legal entity has to be at least 10.
The following sectors related to
processing and/or marketing of products, covered by Annex I to the Treaty (as listed Annex 12
to the Programme), are eligible for support (agricultural products):
1. Milk and dairy products
2. Meat and meat products (including eggs and poultry);
3. Fruits and vegetables (including potatoes and leguminous crops);
4. Cereal, milling and starch products;
5. Vegetable and animal oils and fats;
6. Grape must, wine, other fermented beverages, spirits and vinegar;
7. Fish and fishery products;
8. Livestock feed and fodder products;
9. Other products produced based on products covered by Annex I to the Treaty;
10. Production of energy through processing of plant and animal products from primary and
secondary biomass.
Support for the production of other Annex I products not covered above i.e. sectors for
processing and adding value to the other agricultural products (such as honey, herbs, spices,
aromatic and pharmaceutical plants, mushrooms and ornamental plants and forestry, etc.) as
well as production of processed agriculture products not listed in Annex I of the Treaty will be
supported under the measure “Farm diversification and business development”.
Eligibility criteria

Awarding Authority (Name)
Agency for Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development
Application procedure + Weblink (where available)
Implementing Authority (Name)
Agency for Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development