Western Balkans Six

Investment Incentives Platform

The Western Balkans Six Investment Incentive Platform is the first of its kind in the region, providing detailed information on available incentives in each of the WB6. It is one of the key measures under the Regional Investment Area, which is part of the Common Regional Market Action Plan 2021-2024.

Developed with input from Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) across the region, the platform includes both financial and non-financial incentives, categorized by type, sector, and target audience.

It provides comprehensive information for investors looking to invest in the WB6. As an evolving resource, the platform will be updated every six months to ensure it remains current and relevant.

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Co-financed grants for start-ups and spin-offs

Export Incentive

Economy name
North Macedonia
Incentive name
Co-financed grants for start-ups and spin-offs
Brief description
Co-financed grants for innovation of start-ups and spin-offs of up to 85%

Legal reference name
Rulebook on the support instrument - co-financed grants for newly founded commercial companies, start-ups and spin-offs adopted on 13.04.2021 Based on Article 25 paragraph 4 of the Law on Innovation Activity ("Official Gazette of Macedonia" No. 79/13, 137/13, 41/14, 44/15, 6/16, 53/16, 190/16 and 64/18)
Legal reference
law section / article
Article 3, 4 and 5

The instrument aims to boost the level of innovation by providing the necessary financial support for research and development activities of start-ups and spin-off companies. Additionally, this instrument is expected to encourage a culture of risk-taking and innovation, and to provide support to companies that want to develop a new or improved product, process or service.

Through this instrument, the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development provides funding up to 85% (eighty five percent) of the total project budget, in a maximum amount of 30,000.00 (thirty thousand) euros. The remaining amount of the total project budget should be provided by the applicant. Funds received from the Fund on any other basis or any other form of state aid are not eligible as co-financing by the applicant.

Incentive group
Incentive category
Sector (Simplified)
All sectors
Sector (NACE)
Size of firm that can use incentive
Micro (1-9) & SMEs (10-249)
Level at which incentive is available
Ownership of firm that can use incentive
Incentive location
Main objective of the incentive
In case of grant, share of grant in investment (in %)

Contact Info
ul. GTC local 6, D.E 220, 1000 Skopje North Macedonia, info@fitr.mk
02 314 5258
Weblink to Incentive information in English
Weblink to Incentive information in local language

Eligibility criteria
legal entity established in accordance with the Law on Trade Companies and registered in the Central Register of RSM;
not to have passed more than 6 (six) years from the day of establishment of the applicant until the day of application;
start-up, micro, small or medium enterprise (up to 250 employees);
to be with majority of North Macedonia ownership (50.1% or more);
be owned by a natural person and / or a micro, small or medium enterprise (with majority of North Macedonia ownership of 50.1% or more) and / or an institution performing higher education, ie scientific research activity (with ownership share in the applicant until 20%);
the annual income of the enterprise should not exceed 1,000,000.00 (one million) euros according to the financial statements for the previous two fiscal years;
not be fully capitalized (according to the Law on Trade Companies) with another enterprise where the cumulative annual revenues of the two enterprises exceed 1,000,000.00 (one million) euros in the previous two years, except in the case of capital connection with higher education, ie scientific research institution;
not to have accumulated more than 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand) euros of minor assistance for a period of three fiscal years, including the amount requested from the Fund in accordance with the Law on State Aid Control and the Regulation on the conditions and procedure for granting assistance of minimal importance (de minimis);
not to have accumulated more than 100,000.00 (one hundred thousand) Euros of minor assistance for a period of three fiscal years, including the requested amount of funds from the Fund, if it is active in the road transport sector, in accordance with the Law on State Aid Control and the Decree on the conditions and procedure for granting minor assistance (de minimis);
is not an enterprise in difficulty (an enterprise in difficulty is an enterprise that is unable to meet its obligations from its own resources or with funds it may receive from its owner / shareholders or creditors to stop losses, which without external intervention by providers will certainly lead to short-term and long-term cessation of operation of the enterprise); and
not to be engaged in coal production
Eligibility criteria

Awarding Authority (Name)
Fund for Innovation and Technological Development
Application procedure + Weblink (where available)
You can download all application forms by clicking on the button " Download documentation "

When applying, you submit:

project application;
project budget;
statement of the Applicant on acceptance of the conditions of the Fund;
environmental questionnaire and
A notarized statement of the applicant's ownership-founding structure (except in the case where a team is the applicant, it is submitted after the establishment of the trading company).
short biographies of the persons who make up the project team engaged in the project (for a maximum of 5 (five) persons).
The project application, the project budget and biographies should be submitted in of North Macedonia and English (in PDF and Excel format) and attached to the application form by clicking on the " Apply " button.

The rest of the documentation related to the applicants should be submitted only in the of North Macedonia language.

Implementing Authority (Name)
Fund for Innovation and Technological Development