Western Balkans Six

Investment Incentives Platform

The Western Balkans Six Investment Incentive Platform is the first of its kind in the region, providing detailed information on available incentives in each of the WB6. It is one of the key measures under the Regional Investment Area, which is part of the Common Regional Market Action Plan 2021-2024.

Developed with input from Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) across the region, the platform includes both financial and non-financial incentives, categorized by type, sector, and target audience.

It provides comprehensive information for investors looking to invest in the WB6. As an evolving resource, the platform will be updated every six months to ensure it remains current and relevant.

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Expedited procedures for strategic investment project in wastewater and waste management

Export Incentive

Economy name
North Macedonia
Incentive name
Expedited procedures for strategic investment project in wastewater and waste management
Brief description
Expedited procedures for strategic investment project in wastewater and waste management

Legal reference name
Law on Strategic Investments in North Macedonia Official Gazette No.14/20 Nr. 08-437/1
Legal reference
law section / article
Article 5

The status of a strategic investment project could be determined according to the conditions and
procedures determined by this Law for projects in the following areas:
9) Wastewater and waste management;

Incentive group
Incentive category
Expediated procedures
Sector (Simplified)
Waste management
Sector (NACE)
Size of firm that can use incentive
All sizes of firms
Level at which incentive is available
Ownership of firm that can use incentive
Incentive location
Main objective of the incentive
In case of grant, share of grant in investment (in %)

Contact Info
Government of North Macedonia
bul. Ilinden 2, 1000 Skopje
Weblink to Incentive information in English
Weblink to Incentive information in local language

Eligibility criteria
Strategic investment project is a project that fulfills one or more aims from Article 2 of this Law, and
which implements an investment in the amount of at least 100 million euros on the territory of at
least two or more municipalities, at least 50 million euros in the municipalities based in the city, the
municipalities in the City of Skopje and the City of Skopje and at least 30 million euros in municipalities
based in the economyside.
As an exception to paragraph 1 of this Article, strategic investment projects are projects implemented
within the framework of agreements between countries, projects implemented and financed in
cooperation with the European Union, the Council of Ministers of the Energy Community (PECI -
Project of Energy Community Interest; PMI - Project of Mutual Interest; PCI - Project of Common
Interest), as well as, those with international financial institutions, where the bearer of the investment
is a government body, public enterprises established by the state or municipalities, as well
as, companies that are fully or owned by the state and the municipalities, the municipalities in the City
of Skopje and the City of Skopje and other legal entities whose founder is North
North Macedonia or the municipalities.
Conditions for obtaining the status of a strategic investment project
Article 5
The implementation of strategic investment projects shall be in public interest.
The strategic investment project should cumulatively meet the following conditions:
- the proposed investments must comply with the environmental standards set out in the laws of
North Macedonia,
- the proposed investments must not be contrary to the Constitution of North
Macedonia, the laws and obligations arising from international agreements ratified in accordance with
the Constitution,
- the public strategic projects must be in accordance with the strategic priorities of the
Government of North Macedonia.
The status of a strategic investment project could be determined according to the conditions and
procedures determined by this Law for projects in the following areas:
1) Energy with infrastructure;
2) Transport and telecommunications;
3) Tourism;
4) Manufacturing industry;
5) Agriculture, forestry and water economy;
6) Food industry;
7) Health;
8) Industrial and technology parks;
9) Wastewater and waste management;
10) Information-technological zones;
11) Sports;
12) Science and education;
13) Construction of large multifunctional construction complexes of buildings that have in their
composition more than one area from the areas listed in this Article.
As an exception to paragraph 3 of this Article, projects in the areas not covered in paragraph 3 of this
Article shall also have the status of strategic investment project, when the investment exceeds the
amount of 150 million euros in denar equivalent.
Article 6
The regulations in the areas of state aid, public financial management and public debt shall apply to
the implementation of the strategic investment projects determined in accordance with this Law.
Issuance of state guarantees contrary to public finance and public debt regulations shall be prohibited.
Eligibility criteria

Awarding Authority (Name)
Government of North Macedonia
Application procedure + Weblink (where available)
The Government of North Macedonia (hereinafter: the Government) shall, no later
than 31 January of the current year, announce a public call for applications for determining the status
of a strategic investment project, which is published in the "Official Gazette of North
Macedonia" and in at least three renowned international economic journals.

Interested applicants submit a request for a project to be declared as strategic investment, together with:
- An investment business plan or feasibility study for public strategic projects that include a risk
analysis, an investment financial plan, a work program for implementation of the strategic investment
project during the duration of the investment,
- Consent for loaning in terms of the Law on Public Debt for public strategic investment project,
- Micro and macro location conditions of the investment,
- An audit report on the investing entity for a certain time period and audit report on the company that
owns the investing entity,
- A detailed portfolio of the investing entity, including its subsidiaries,
- A reference list of investor experiences in similar projects,
- A description of the manner and sources of project financing,
- Proof of financial ability for the implementation of the strategic investment project, which obligatorily
contains an audited annual financial report for the year preceding the year in which the request is
submitted, i.e. annual reports on prescribed forms for investors that are not subject to audit, business
reports for the quarter preceding the submission of the request, creditworthiness forms not older than 30
- Consent of the strategic investor authorizing the Commission to make checks and controls on the
data presented in the portfolio of the strategic investor,
- Annual accounts (balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement) for the last three
financial years of the strategic investor and the company that owns the strategic investor,
- A bank guarantee for realization of the strategic investment project in the amount of 3% of the value
of the private investment,
- Confirmation that the investor has paid all due liabilities, liabilities for pension and health insurance
and other public duties, not older than 30 days,
- Confirmation that no bankruptcy or liquidation procedure has been initiated.
Implementing Authority (Name)
Government of North Macedonia